Wednesday, 30 April 2008

30th April 2008

Hey there, how's it going, what you been up to? For the first time in ages, I'm writing in real time, by which I'm writing about now. Now consists of waiting in a brisbane departure lounge for my flight to Singapore, which has been delayed for an hour. After this information became available I panic bought 2 books, The Road by Cormac McCarthy, because a 360 magazine recommended it, in relation to the general feel of Fallout 3, AND, Deep Simplicity by John Gribbin, as I wanted to help my brain stay alive. Apparently via Chaos, Complexity and the Emergence of Life.

Today has been filled with the normal mind numbing early morning checkouts, airport shuttles, check ins, lift offs, landings, waiting 30 DAMN MINUTES for a train to leave the station for a 3 minute journey, rushing, checking in, eating and now waiting. I also just accidentally drew on my leg.

I began trying to reflect on my time in Oz, but discovered I have run out of brain effort. Luckily my flight has begun to board, though I'll wait for the hub bub to die down.