Tuesday, 13 May 2008

13th May 2008

My toes are half destroyed from crazy flippers, not much skin left to lose! Pain, Anguish + Happiness all rolled into a cute little ball.

Dup #1: Really bad! My bouyancy was totally off, and so not relaxed and ran out of air quickly. Pants.

Dup #2: Way better, muchos awesome, fun, even though photography is surprisingly insanely difficult underwater.

Had an extremely yummy Flora Bay Resort special burger, then my toes came back with avengence and it was hard to walk. Analysed our photos, and they weren't as bad as we previously thought. I showed Zamani a bit of photoshop tomfoolery and fixed some of Zamani's photos that were really good, just very red with the power of a magic filter, or something.

Tired. Dinner. Sleep. Adam encroaching on my soul in bed.