Thursday, 7 February 2008

Chasing The Setting Sun

Not been my most enjoyable flight, initially delayed due to unknown vague reasons. Plane is far too hot and I feel exceptionally under prepared for this. Eventually we take off and I play with the TV/Computer, slightly disappointed in my inability to crash it. I watch 3.10 to Yuma, which is pretty good and keeps my attention. Chicken Casserole served during, which is quit enice but I somehow lose control of my chocolate. It's a crazy town.

I watched the Sarah Silverman Show, which is pretty poor, and try and watch some Owen Wilson fil set in India, which proves dull and I give up. Read A Concise Chinese-English Dictionary For Lovers, it's a novel I'll have you know. About a Chinese girl coming to London to learn English, and falling in Love. It's given me the annoying desire to write in broken English and in the present tense, I'm far too influenced by everything. I sleep for a while but wake up feeling groggy, dirty and suspicious of my mental state. Since then, I've been reading constantly every now and then admiring the permanent sunset out of the window as well as what could have been ice flows or lakes.

Had a quick was and coincidentally feel cleaner now, still don't feel like I'm ready for travelling. It appears the air hostess lady hates me and didn't give me a sandwich. I got this journal out to instill a sense of traveling, but I've just realised I've forgotten how to write interesting collections of letters. I do, however, have some cool, thin nibbed pens.

*1 minute*

Everything is good. I have black coffee and a sandwich invented by John Montagu, 4th Earl of Sandwich. Good show.


Anonymous said...

You know, writing like that in the present tense almost perfectly reflects the suspicious state of your mind at the time...How long was the journey anyway?

On an entirely different note, mmm, sandwich *drools*

Tommeh said...

10 hours! I forgot what I said about a sandwich, even if I did, my brain is fried!