Thursday 14 February 2008

Fijian Arrival

mmmm fiji, After an excessively long flight we landed moderately successfully to the sounds of traditional fijian music and big warm smiles. As it was 5am I wasn't the most alert individual but I did manage to get my bag, some Fijian dollars and found the pickup point for crazy skylodge people. Ride was cool, met a load of girls and we puzzled at the random stop the driver did outside some ramshackle shops. After a palava at reception, I was the only one whose booking was on the computer AND had a room ready. Turns out it's awesome, 4 bed dorm, ensuite, spacious and at that point, was just me. I couldn't be bothered to sleep so I went out and grabbed some breakfast at the bar with 3 of the girls form the shuttle. One is French-Canadian (Marie), others are english, Amie (Sheffield) and Rachelle (South Kent). And now I'm bored of writing...

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