Friday, 21 March 2008

21st March

Once more took the bus of magic, out of Dunedin towards Lake Tekapo. Stopped off at the Steepest road in the world, which I thought was pants, and San Francisco has some VASTLY steeper roads. Later on I was proved wrong by the internet in a bitter knowledge based situation. Next were the Morecahi boulders, which we only saw from a distance as we were starving, and had to wait ages for our brekkie's to arrive. We passed a number of Dams, and were told about their differing technologies. None of which I remember. Just as we entered Lake Tekapo we stopped at the Good Shepard church, which overlooks the lake, where Sarah told me off for taking photos. And then we saw a statue of a collie dog, which I assumed was some form of Lassie figure, who had saved some kids who had fallen in well, but it just turns out the people liked collie dogs in general. Pfft.

When we arrived at the hostel, there was only 1 key for our 4 bed dorm, which was a bit suspect, but we went to the supermarket then met up with Joff again. We ate and had a few cheeky beers in front of the sunsetting lake.

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