Tuesday, 25 March 2008

25th March 2008

Woke up a bit disorientated and dehydrated, but stumbled successfully to the 7-11 to get a weekly metcard for like 12 quid! Good stuff. Journey to the city took a bit longer than I thought, but I leaped off outside a huge futuristic building that turned to be southern cross station. Wibbled around that for a while before walking in all manner of directions, with a coffee, past hundreds of cafe's and eateries. Lots of business type folk. After a while I managed to end up near St Paul's Cathedral, and after much map pondering, found federation square, which is extremely nice. I slammed into the info centre to find out what the crack was in Melbourne, and much to my surprise I found there was a history of computer games exhibit. On now. Next door. For $15. With 125 playable games from pong to Wii tennis. Bonus.

Needless to say I spent a good hour or 2 in there, beating up small children and showing off my extreme skills. Or something similar. There were some cool arcade machines, old school ataris, and every console really, including some sinclairs, nintendos, segas and sonys. The had a bit about the development of GTA3, Max Payne and Tomb Raider, but was a bit brief. I then watched a very geeky video and my brain imploded.

After escaping I strolled along the river, eating lunch, past various sculptures, ferris wheels and pretty gardens. I crossed the river, chilled in a park and loop back to the city, past the gallery, which was closed and walked along the river agian, through the extremely nice south gate collection of shops and cafes. After crossing a futuristic brdige I wandered towards China Town, but fell into an internet cafe next to a lot of Harley Davidson dealerships, where I uploaded a plethera of photos to facebook to make up for my poor blogging skills.

Once more I successfully navigated the trams home, which I have decided are even beter than the tube. Maybe. Rather than die a little emo death in the hostel, I found a really nice Chinese restuarent where I had a crayz combination of meats and rice & spring rolls. Followed by $2 worth of chines tea, which in reality was a teapot the size of Africa. After returning to hostel, I watched some awful TV while writing in thsi book of wonderment, then hit the old sack.

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