Thursday, 10 July 2008

Thursday 10th July 2008

  • Cookery course
  • Went to the market, which had dogs (blowtorched, some alive in tiny cages, and half of a dog's head on a table), pig tongues and snouts, chicken feet etc. Lots of veg. Our chef lady bought supplies and explained the various foods.
  • Back to restaurant
* Gun Pou Chicken (Peanuts)
* Pork dumplings (I wasn't too great at their presentation)
* Veg and Noodles
  • We got cool chef hats and aprons, and a HUGE knife.
  • Liz and Charlotte cooked a veg selection, including awesome deep friend eggplant.
  • Was surprisingly nice and I ate far too mcuh.
  • Short break, coffee + cafe. Hot.
  • Calligraphy lesson
  • Learnt numbers 1-10. Progression of characters Wood>Tree>Forest.
  • Wrote my name, which translated to Basic, Success, Kind.
  • Everyone else's was way better
Liz: White Beautiful Lady Nice
Martin: Success, Clever
Lydia: Wealth, Wisdom
Charlotte: Summer, Water, Knowledge
  • Took a private bus to station and then the overnight train to somewhere near the 3 gorges and the Yangzi river. Nice again. Good sleep.

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