Woke up earlyish and we grabbed some brekkie. Good stuff. Dining room was quite busy, mainy with the people who had come to see the ice hockey yesterday.
Our plan for the day was too attack the seabus and play on the Calipano Suspension Bridge. However, as we were walking out, Kai spotted that the Chinese New Year Parade was on.
So quick change of plan, after investigating the seabus station and wandering through GasTown, we made our way over to China Town.
Unfortunately, we did this through E.Hastings, which I can assure you is crowded with crazy and homeless people. Slightly scar
y but mostly sad. Once we got to China Town, just 1 block away, we found a good place at the front and waited for the show to being. Though we were an hour early... no matter, we watched all the dragons and people get ready, and laughed jovially at their horrendous level of organisation. There were some extremely cute and small kids with cymbals though, so all was good. The parade started and it was very good, crazy jumping dragons, walking mobile phones, cool dancers and a scottish bagpipe band... who may not actually have been Scottish at all, but they were wearing kilts and the such like. Part way through we started chatting to two girls who went to a university that was up a nearby mountain! Major coolness.
Dina, from East Canada, and Rebecca, who strangely enough was from Germany, except her English was amazing and she had a Canadian accent. We bonded over a lack of umbrellas when it began to rain, and my phobia of them - even though I had one. Anyway after chatting for a while and sharing all the free stuff we kept being giving we decided to find somewhere to eat.
Eventually, after battling the crowds we found, what looked like a nice Vietnamese restaurant with little wait. After ordering, which consisted of me randomly pointing at something after panicing, we had a horrendously long wait.
We chatted about all manner of things, was very enjoyable, then the food arrived, and it looked cool, except I had a small forest on my plate. Rebecca also ended up with something pork based that looked horrendous, and we got it changed for something that was similar but less horrendous. My leaves were suspiciously not edible, but I ate them anyway and they smelled/tasted like lavender, though Dina disagreed and reckoned they were sage. Twas humourous times, and we spent quite a few hours in there.
Afterwards we bid our farewells, swapped facebook info, and Kai and I headed back to the hostel.
Turns out the dude we were gonna see tonight (Matt Costa) is all sold out, so we may just grabbed a Thai or something. In the mean time I wandered down to sunset beach, as the skies cleared and I watched the sun set there while reading my book, which I've now finished! Was a beautiful sight, but it began to get extremely cold, so after playing for a while on the rocks, and returned triumphant to the hostel.
Piccies look awesome!
The car's pretty cool- also lookas as if there's a tiger in the driver's seat or something else that's tiger printed in there!
What was it for?
*pokes* you awakes? *sniggers* x
Sunset Beach!!
Possibly not the same as the fantabulously awful TV show, but still...
Lol luckily it was a different beach, I think.A much colder beach, and I think man-made.
There was a large tiger in the car, possibly. On the bonnet was a little fountain that continually burble, was awesome.
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